
What are 'Soundscapes'

I’ve always found inspiration in unexpected places. The first spark of inspiration for this series came one night, whilst listening to the sound of my husband’s snoring. I pondered whether it would be possible to paint a sound. Not long after, I discovered the means of capturing the ‘waveform’ of specific sounds. And so ‘Whilst I Lay Sleeping’ was born, followed by this series of soundscapes. Each one with a different meaning to me and a variety of materials inspired byt he sounds thatt they are based upon.

If you like the idea of having a painting of your cat’s purr, your child’s laugh of any other meaningful sound captured in a panting, feel free to get in touch via my ‘Contact’ page to see if I’m currently open for comissions.

While I Lay Sleeping

This piece was the first in my ‘Soundscape’ series. It is a painting of the waveform created by my husbands snoring. You can have a look and a listen below.


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